About Us

Elections in the City of Bloomington, Illinois, are administered by and under the jurisdiction of the Board of Election Commissioners in conjunction with local and state election authorities. The Board of Election Commissioners administers elections for the City of Bloomington, Illinois, according to Illinois and federal election law.

The Board consists of three members appointed by the Hon. Rebecca Simmons Foley, Judge of the 11th Circuit Court, for three-year alternating terms.


Denise M. Williams

Terry J. Luce

Jim Fruin

The Board meets every month in the offices of the Commission on the dates/times set forth HERE.

The daily administration of the Commission’s office is under the direction of Executive Director, Luke Stremlau, and his staff.

Some of our functions are:

  • Register voters and maintain voter registration records
  • Recruit and train election judges
  • Arrange sites for polling places
  • Acquire and maintain voting equipment
  • Provide ballots and all other election materials for Election Day
  • Publish election results as returns are made from the polls, certify results to McLean County Clerk and State Board of Elections
  • Election authority for City of Bloomington, and City of Bloomington Township. Candidates for city and township offices file petitions here
  • Publish notices of election and other notices required by law

In accordance with the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/7.3), any information in regards to our staff’s compensation packages can be found in the County Administrator’s Office.