To fill out an ONLINE Vote By Mail ballot application for the April 1, 2025 Consolidated Election ONLY click on the RED button below.
To print and complete a PAPER Vote By Mail ballot application for the April 1, 2025 Consolidated Election ONLY click on the BLUE button below.
To fill out an online Permanent Vote By Mail ballot application click on the RED button below.
To print and complete a paper Permanent Vote By Mail ballot application click on the BLUE button below.
Voting In-Person After Requesting A Vote By Mail Ballot
If you requested a Vote By Mail ballot, you may still vote in-person. You may vote either at an Early Voting location or on Election Day at your polling place. Please bring your Vote By Mail ballot with you to surrender to the Election Judges when you check-in.
Filling Out Your Ballot
When returning your Vote By Mail ballot, please make sure you sign the certification envelope. This signature is used for verification purposes. If you do not sign the certification envelope, our office will contact you to proceed with processing your ballot.

The return envelope of your Vote By Mail ballot has a section on the front called the Vote By Mail Ballot Authorization Form. This only needs to be filled out if someone else is hand delivering your ballot. If you are mailing your ballot or bringing it to one of our drop boxes, you do not need to fill out this section.

Mailing Your Ballot
If you are mailing your Vote By Mail ballot, a First Class stamp is sufficient. If you are using one of our drop boxes, a stamp is not required.
Approximately 90 days before each election, anyone may apply for an Election-Specific Vote By Mail ballot. When the applications are available, you can:
- Submit a Vote By Mail Online Application, OR
- Print the mail-in form and mail it to our office
- Call us and we will mail you an Application for Vote by Mail, pre-printed with your voter information on it, OR
- Come to our office and complete an application in person.
Can I apply in person?
You can come to our office and complete an application in person, but you may find it more convenient to use Early Voting at our office. Please check Early Voting dates and location schedule to see if that is an option for you.
How and when will vote by mail ballots be counted?
Vote by mail ballots are counted at the election’s office on Election Day. Ballots received before then are securely held.
To be counted, vote by mail ballots must be:
– Postmarked before midnight on the day of election and arrive by mail in the office within 14 days after the election, OR
– Returned in person to the Board of Elections office, any time before the close of polls on election day.
– Vote by mail ballots are not counted if they are returned late to the Board of Elections office or not postmarked by election day.
I am permanently disabled. Can I vote by mail in every election?
If permanently disabled, a voter may apply to automatically receive vote by mail applications at every election for a period of five years (renewable.) Please contact us by mail, phone or email.
***See Illinois State Board of Elections if you are registered/live elsewhere in Illinois for election authority contact information and websites.