Address or Name Change

If you move within McLean County, you must change your address with the election authority to be eligible to vote from your new address.  To notify the election authority, you can complete the address form located on the backside of your voter ID card, and then return the card to our office.  This must be done by the Close of Registration (28 days before election day), but we recommend you change it as soon as possible after your move.

If you do not have your previous voter ID card to change your address, you must re-register to update your previous registration.  Visit the Register to Vote page for procedures on how to register.

If you move to another county or state, you must register with the local election authority.

Can I change my address by telephone?

No.  We must have a voter’s signature as authorization to change his/her address.

What must I do if I change my name?

You should re-register under the new name.  A name change requires a new registration including a new signature from the applicant.  Visit the Register to Vote page for procedures on how to register.

Can I cancel my voter registration?

A voter may cancel their registration without reason at anytime. A written notice to the election authority must be given to erase the voter’s registration information from our database. This Application to Erase Name from Register form can be filled out and returned to us either by postal mail or email.