How to Navigate through the training


There are multiple ways to move through your online training, depending on whether you are on the “Training Central” page or within a Unit.

While on the “Training Central” page:

  • The Units within your course are listed.
  • Click on any Unit that has a blue link as a name.
  • If a Unit is still in black text (it does not have a blue link), then you cannot yet access that Unit since you have not yet completed the previous units.


While within a Unit:

  • There are “Previous” and “Next” buttons at the bottom of the screen.  Click on these to move forward or backward through the units.
  • There is also a “Current User Progress” menu on the right side of the screen.  By clicking on the + and – by each Module, you can expand and collapse the list of Units, and then click on the name of the Unit that you’d like to go to next.
  • If you ever want to return to the Training Central website, click the link on the left side of the screen.



The online training will track how far you have progressed through the units.  There are multiple ways to see your progress, depending on whether you are on the “Training Central” page or within a Unit.

While on the “Training Central” page:

  • “Your Progress” bar towards the top of the screen shows the total % of units that you have finished (here it shows 83% finished).
  • The progress circles on the right of the screen show which units you have finished.  The units you have marked as completed have a green √, while the units you have not finished have a gray circle.


While within a Unit, refer to the Current User Progress menu on the right side of the screen:

  • Click on the + and – next to each module to expand or collapse the list of Units.
  • When you have marked a unit as completed, the name in the list will turn green.
  • The unit that you are currently working on will be a blue link.
  • The units you have not yet finished will stay black.
